In Tui we are learning about Sandra Silberzweig and how she does her art, once we had researched her we all decided to do something similar to it. The process of how we did it was like this first we did this work sheet that we had to draw patterns on. Secondly we watched this video for how to do it. ( the link will be down below ) next we looked at a color weal and also looked at primary colors and secondary colors. then we got our sheet with patterns on and got some paper, drew a picture that is something like Sandra Silberzweig's art. next we needed to draw lightly on A4 paper and then go over the lines with Indian ink and then make it look real colorful with chalk pastels and if the pastels go on the ink we go over the lines at the end and this is my finished product.
tap on these words it will take you to the link